Easy Toddler Color Matching Easter Egg Hunt
Looking for an enjoyable and educational activity for your toddlers and preschoolers this Easter? Try out this simple and entertaining Color Matching Easter Egg Hunt designed specifically for toddlers and preschool-aged children. With the added excitement of colorful Easter eggs, it’s a perfect way to celebrate the season of Easter.
Materials Needed:
- 4 Buckets (Blue, Pink, Yellow, and Purple)
- FREE Easter Egg Printables
- Scissors
- Tape
- Optional: Music

Color Matching Easter Egg Hunt Preparation
- Click on the link below to download and print your FREE Easter Egg Printables.
- For durability, consider laminating the printables, ensuring they can be reused year after year.
- Use scissors to cut out the Easter eggs in blue, pink, yellow, and purple.
- Tape one colored Easter egg to the corresponding color bucket. Repeat for each bucket.
Easter Egg Hunt Instructions:
- Gather the children for circle time and review the colors blue, pink, yellow, and purple using the Easter eggs as a visual aid.
- Explain that each Easter egg has a “home” in its matching color bucket.
- Place the buckets in an open space, spreading them out.
- Scatter the 72 colored Easter eggs randomly on the floor in front of the four buckets.
- Model the process of picking up an Easter egg, saying the color aloud, and placing it in the correct matching color bucket. Repeat for each color.
- Review safety rules with the children, emphasizing no running or grabbing hearts from others.
- Let the children know that once the music starts, they can begin collecting Easter Eggs and matching them to the correct color bucket.
- Use a song of your choice for added fun. Consider “What’s Your Favorite Color?” by Super Simple Songs, available on YouTube or Spotify.
Game Variations:
- For younger children, start with 2 or 3 buckets to simplify the game.
- For additional fine motor skill practice, place the hearts color facing down, adding the extra task of flipping the colors over.
- Weather permitting, take the game outside for some fresh air (considering wind and rain conditions).
- Set up the game in a gym, placing buckets on one end and children with hearts on the other. Have students run one heart at a time across the gym, returning the heart to the correct bucket to burn off some energy.
- For added enjoyment, encourage students to act like their favorite animals as they collect hearts – crawling, waddling, stomping, and more!
Join in the festivities with this engaging color matching game perfect for celebrating Valentine’s Day!

🐣Looking for another FREE Easter Activity to do with Kids? Check out Easter Egg Friend Craft: FREE Printables!