FREE PASSOVER Handprint Printable!
Passover Craft Printable
Do you need a fun FREE Passover craft for your kiddos? I got you! I started making my own handprint printables because I could not find a decent Hanukkah handprint craft. The same thing happened when I went to find one for Passover so I made my own! This memorable craft is super simple. For a master tip/hack for getting that perfect handprint keep reading.
For this month’s handprint craft, I did something a little different. I saw a TikTok where they used a Mr. Clean Eraser sheet as a paint pad. I tried it and it worked beautifully! The handprint came out so clean! It was also less messy than painting it on your little one’s hand. Our hands are messy in the video because we decided to try this hack after we had already made a handprint the old-fashioned way.
- Tape a Mr. Clean Eraser sheet (it’s the thin version of the sponge) to a piece of cardboard.

These are the ones. I like them better than the thick ones and they last just as long.

2. Paint the Eraser sheet and boom you have a “Paint Pad”!

3. Press your little one’s hand right onto it and then onto a clean sheet of paper or right on the printable. Here is a side-by-side of the difference in print. For the left side, I put paint directly on his hand. On the right side is the Eraser sheet stamp pad print. They both came out great but the DIY stamp pad was way less messy.

After painting, I was able to rinse off the eraser sheet and use it again! Since the paint is washable it came right out! (UPDATE: I have now used that same easer pad for 3 handprint crafts and it is still going strong! The most recent craft I used it on was this FREE Rockin’ Father’s Day Handprint printable.)

4. Then cut out the handprint and use the below gluestick to stick it on the printable. This ensures you get the perfect print and not waste precious printer ink.

Not all glue sticks are created equal. In my 20+plus years of teaching, these are hands down the BEST glue sticks I have ever used and they don’t wrinkle the paper!
5. Once dried, I framed our masterpiece (thank you dollar tree frames) and “Tada!”, we have a beautiful entryway piece for Passover!

Memory Enhancer: Have more than one kid? No problem! There is enough space for more than one handprint!

Memory Enhancer: Remember to put your little one’s name, age, and date on the back. I know it’s one more step but it will be worth it in years to come when you pick it up and recall those tiny hands!

Memory Enhancer: This is a beautiful gift for all the Bubbies in your life! I highly recommend framing it. Then they can bring it out every year for Passover dinner and get all verklempt when they reminisce over their grandbaby’s bitsy little hand.
Need More Fun Passover Activities?
- Matzah Pizza Party: Transform plain matzah into tasty personalized pizzas! Set up a variety of toppings like sauce, cheese, and veggies. Let everyone decorate their own matzah pizza and then bake them to perfection. It’s a delicious and creative twist on traditional pizza.
- Passover Recipe Cook-Off: Encourage friendly competition by hosting a Passover recipe cook-off. Each family member or team can prepare a unique Passover dish and present it to the rest of the family. Taste-test and vote for the best recipe, rewarding the winner with a small prize or recognition.
- Frog Jump Relay: Have a hopping good time with a frog jump relay race. Designate a starting and finishing line, and give each participant a toy frog. Hop like frogs from start to finish, passing the frog to the next person in line. The team that completes the relay first wins!
- Matzah Ball Bowling: Set up a Matzah ball bowling alley using empty water bottles and a soft ball. Decorate the pins with Passover-themed stickers and take turns rolling the ball to knock them down. Strike or spare, it’s sure to be a matzah-ballin’ time!
- Passover Charades: Act out Passover-related words or scenes from the Exodus story in a lively game of charades. Take turns miming while others guess. It’s a hilarious way to engage the whole family and bring the Passover story to life.
- Passover Memory Jar: Throughout the Passover week, have a designated jar where family members can write down their favorite Passover memories or moments. Encourage everyone to share their experiences, funny anecdotes, or heartfelt reflections. Read these memories together at the end of the holiday, creating a beautiful collection of shared experiences.
- Matzah Relay Race: Divide into teams and set up a relay race with matzah as the baton. Participants must carry the matzah from one point to another, passing it to the next teammate. The catch? They can’t break the matzah! The team that completes the relay without breaking the matzah wins.
- Passover Trivia Game: Test your Passover knowledge with a trivia game. Create a list of Passover-related questions, ranging from easy to challenging. Divide into teams or play individually and see who can answer the most questions correctly. Learning can be a blast!
- Afikoman Hunt: Hide the afikoman (a piece of matzah) somewhere in the house, and let the kids embark on a thrilling search to find it. Offer hints and clues to make it more exciting. The child who finds the afikoman can receive a special Passover prize or reward.
- Storytelling and Puppet Show: Encourage the kids to create their own Passover puppet show. Help them make puppets using socks, paper bags, or craft sticks. They can retell the Passover story or create their own imaginative stories related to the holiday. Let the show begin!
Remember, the key is to have fun and engage the whole family while celebrating Passover. Adapt the activities to suit the age of the participants and enjoy the special moments together. Chag Pesach Sameach! (Happy Passover!)

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