Parenting Hacks: Using “Old Toys” to Entertain Children In “New Ways”
Parenting is an adventure, finding creative ways to keep our little ones entertained can sometimes feel like a never-ending quest. Fortunately, there are simple parenting hacks that can bring new life to old toys and provide more play opportunities for our children. In this article, we will explore a variety of hacks that will keep your kids engaged and excited. From bringing a Check-Up Toy Box to doctor appointments to turning trash into treasure by transforming recyclable items into delightful projects. Get ready to discover these remarkable hacks that will make parenting a whole lot easier and more enjoyable!
1. Busy Box for Doctor Appointments: Check-Up Toy Box
This morning, I had to take my young kiddos to a doctor’s appointment. Doctor appointments can be tough on kids, especially when there’s a long wait, and it becomes even more challenging with multiple children in tow. I wanted to find creative ways to keep my little ones engaged and occupied while waiting for the doctor. Although I used to bring puzzles, books, and coloring books in a diaper bag, I no longer had one with me and needed a new parenting hack.

Before the appointment, I quickly gathered some fun items from around the house to keep my kids busy while waiting for the doctor. Among the items were an old metal Twilight lunch box from my college years and an assortment of random, fun items. I added a large piece of paper (the kind that Hobby Lobby wraps breakable items in…truly the BEST!), twistable crayons, Play-Doh, small toy ponies, Hot Wheel cars, mini Uno game, letter and fun magnets, flashcards, post-it notes, pens, clips, and Magna-Tiles. I recommend packing at least 6 Magna-Tiles, enough to build a cube.
Introducing the Check-Up Toy Box
When I revealed the Check-Up Toy Box, they were pumped. I explained that it would only be brought out for appointments to keep it special. If your child has frequent appointments, you can switch up the items regularly to maintain the excitement. Additional items you could include in your Check-Up Toy Box are pipe cleaners, a deck of cards, fidget spinners, happy meal toys, small books, a small notebook, or a calculator. The possibilities are endless!

Waiting at the doctor’s office can be frustrating and challenging, but it’s an opportunity to put your phone down, make the best of it, and spend quality time with your children! During this morning’s visit, I taught my son how to play War using Uno cards, turning a simple moment into a cherished memory.
By the way, speaking of Twilight…Team Edward or Team Jacob?!
Magnet Safety
WARNING: If using magnets with children, it’s important to ensure they are child-friendly with weak magnetic strength such as the ones in the pictures above. Additionally, playing with magnets it not recommended for children under three. Closely monitor young children to prevent accidental swallowing of magnets. Also, exercise caution to keep magnets away from electronic devices and objects that can be affected by magnetism, such as mechanical watches, heart pacemakers, CRT monitors and televisions, credit cards, and video tapes. For more information on Magnet Safety you can visit Health and Safety Information- Magnet Safety.
*I requested special permission from the doctor to use magnets on the side of the examination table in the picture above. And, now I feel like I just went over the side effects of a drug commercial.
Busy Box for Restaurants: Munch n’ Play Pack
I must admit, I got a little too confident after successfully entertaining my kiddos with the Check-Up Toy Box during our doctor’s visit earlier this week. But let me tell you about what went DOWN tonight at a restaurant with family. Introducing the “Munch n’ Play Pack.” Watch my Instagram or Facebook reel until the end to witness the mayhem that unfolded.
Long story, short, there was a very PASSIONATE and very LOUD argument over the Melissa and Doug Magnetic Castle for the whole restaurant to hear. So my new Parent Hack on top of a failed Parent Hack would be…don’t put anything too cool in your keep-em’-busy boxes.🤣

Melissa & Doug Magnetivity: Draw & Build Castle
This is the super cool toy that started a sibling war full of loud tantrums and passion. Such an amazing toy! Just maybe don’t bring it to a restaurant if siblings are involved. 🤣 You’ve been warned! (Only 1 left)
- Includes 8 magnetic double-sided dry-erase panels (blank on one side, line art on the other), 4 dry-erase markers, eraser cloth, 2 dry-erase wooden play figures with stands
- Draw on and color in dry-erase figures and panels that magnetically attach in different combinations
- Magnetivity encourages kids to experiment, explore, and imagine, and inspires open-ended, hands-on play
- Makes a great gift for 4- to 10-year-olds, for hands-on, screen-free play
2. Old Toy, New Place
“I’m bored and there’s nothing to do.” Sound familiar? Yeah, me too. Should you run out to Target and buy the newest toy to spare your child from despair? Nope, don’t waste your time and energy on the expense or clutter. Let me introduce you to a parenting hack called Old Toy, New Place! Try moving a toy that hasn’t been touched in a while to the outdoors! Whether it be a front porch, back patio, yard space, or even your garage. There is something about bringing a toy into the sunlight that paves the way for an entirely new experience. The new outdoor environment helps foster creativity and transforms a familiar toy into something new and magical.

My passionate, strong-willed, outdoor-loving son had absolutely nothing to do…until I moved his wooden train set to the front patio. Here’s the thing, we’ve had this train set for over a decade and I even mentioned the toy earlier that morning. Not interested. However, now that it’s outside, let’s do this! He had a whole new perspective, wide space to explore, steps that could function as ramps, and fresh air in his lungs.
His new love for this toy continued for days after this first outdoor train experience. Our patio is mainly covered, so he was even able to enjoy reconstructing tracks in the rain. Supporting new experiences for our children helps create new connections in their brains. So here’s to the future of big brains! And possibly, if you’re lucky, even the opportunity to wash a few dishes or change a load of laundry while they’re busy at work;)
🌟Check out Idea #2 on Five Simple Magna-Tile Ideas to Boost Creative Thinking to discover how you can bring Magna-Tiles outdoors for a completely new and exciting experience.🌟
3. Combing Toys During Playtime
Explore the fun of combining different types of toys during playtime! Recently, my son had a blast when he combined his Play-Doh with a chunky, numbers puzzle. He used the puzzle pieces as stamps to create number shapes in various colors of Play-Doh. Not only did this simple activity spark his imagination, but it also provided an opportunity for fine motor skill development as he manipulated the Play-Doh and stamped down the numbers. Another exciting idea for toy combinations is using Magna-Tiles along with dinosaur figures to create your very own Jurassic Park!

🪀Take a look at Idea #1 of Five Simple Magna-Tile Ideas to Boost Creative Thinking to see how my children combined Magna-Tiles, Little People, and doll house furniture to design their dream home. 🏠
4. Trash to Treasure
Transform your trash into treasure for your kiddos to play with. Here me out, I have a 48 hour rule, that I “try” to stand by. Basically, I hand my children “trash,” which are actually recyclable items like boxes, toilet paper rolls, tissue boxes, jars, scrap pieces of paper and let them unleash their creativity. Sometimes it may involve something as simple as taking an Amazon box outside on the porch and color it with sidewalk chalk or seeing how many cars they can fit into a jar. In the example below, I gave my daughter an egg carton, and she turned it into a cozy bed for all her little animals. This simple activity can hopefully keep your kids entertained long enough for you to enjoy a cup of coffee or start a load of laundry.

❤️More Parenting Hacks to come! Stay tuned folks!❤️

🧦Need an AMAZING Parenting Hack to protect baby/young toddlers wobbly knees this summer? Check out DIY Knee Pads Using Old, Lonely Socks!🧦
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