Powerful Sunday School Cross Art and Glowing Firefly Lantern Craft
Looking for a fun Sunday School lesson that points straight to Jesus? Take a moment to marvel at this captivating and profound image of how Jesus saved the world through a vibrant and powerful cross craft for Sunday School! This is an activity that even the youngest of children can enjoy, making it an ideal addition to your upcoming Easter celebrations this season!

- Cardstock (light colors work best)
- Painters tape
- Paint markers, watercolors, paint, or sidewalk chalk

24 Bright and Vibrant Colors! Non-Toxic, Washable, Easy Clean Up, Easy for Toddler Use

White cardstock with smooth finish. For this particular project, white or light colors work best

This painter’s tape is incredibly versatile and ideal for all sorts of crafts. It can be removed easily and doesn’t leave any residue on surfaces. We even use it to hang artwork on walls, and it works wonders!
- Begin by gathering all the necessary materials, including a sheet of cardstock and painter’s tape.
- Take the painter’s tape and carefully make cross shape on the paper. Ensure that the tape adheres firmly to the surface. The tape will act as a stencil for your design.
- Once the cross shape is securely in place, it’s time to add a burst of vibrant colors using paint sticks or any other desired painting supplies. These paint sticks offer smooth application and are perfect for this craft.
- With your chosen supplies in hand, gently paint around the cross, allowing your creativity to flow. Feel free to experiment with different colors and techniques to make your design truly unique. The cross will stand out prominently against the colorful background. It is expected that you will get paint on the painter’s tape, but it’s not a concern because the tape will be removed anyway.
- After completing the painting process, set cross art aside to dry. It’s essential to ensure the paint is almost dry before moving on to the next step.
- Slowly and carefully pull off the tape when the cross is close to being dry. If the tape starts to pull at the paper try pulling from a different angle.

Enjoy creating a stunning cross craft that vividly captures the message of Easter and showcases the power and beauty of Jesus’ salvation!
Crafter’s Tips:
- If you choose to use sidewalk chalk, wet chalk works best. Leave chalk in a bowl of water beforehand to soak or even out in the rain.😉
- Another option for younger kids is using finger paints.
- In my opinion, paint sticks work best because of easy application and cleanup. They are washable and non-toxic, making them absolutely perfect for toddlers!
- If you’re painting with watercolors, be careful not to get the paper too wet. This makes the paper more fragile and potential holes can occur.
- If using thinner painters tape you can double it to make a wider cross shape.
- Markers and crayons can also be used for this craft. Explore using different materials to find your favorite technique.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
⛪Interested in another Sunday School craft? Keep reading to teach children that we are shinning lights for God’s glory!
Let Your Light Shine Firefly Craft for Sunday School

Check out this firefly craft that our Sunday School class created! Inspired by Matthew 5:16, we explored the concept of Jesus as the light of the world and how we also can be a shinning light to others around us, whether it’s within our families, schools, or community.
This delightful craft was inspired by Children’s Ministry Deals, where we discovered a free pattern worksheet that we could print out. However, I created my own version for the sole purpose of wanting to add mini glowsticks to the mix.
- Cardstock or construction paper (light colors)
- Paint Sticks, paint, or stamp pads
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Clear plastic party favor bags
- Stapler
- Black Sharpie or marker
- Baby wipes or just wash hands;)
- Mini glowsticks– OPTIONAL
If using paint…
- Paintbrushes
- Cup of water
- Plates- for paint splotches

TBC The Best Crafts Tempera Paint Sticks,12 Classic Colors, Washable, Non- Toxic, Crayon Paint Sticks for Kids and Student

Party Sticks Mini 2″ Glow Sticks
200 Pack Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Glow Sticks
I’ve used these mini glow sticks to make my son’s firework costume for Halloween and put them in Easter Eggs for a hunt in the dark!
Preparation Steps- Do Beforehand to Prevent CHAOS
- Begin by drawing a jar pattern on a piece of paper or cardstock that matches the size of a party bag. This will serve as the template for your firefly jar.
- Carefully cut out the jar pattern along the outline, ensuring precise edges for a clean and polished look.
- To add authenticity to your firefly jar, incorporate jar details by referring to the picture as a guide.
- Use a black sharpie to draw 4-5 antennas in each jar, as shown in the reference picture.
- Utilize a Mason Jar lid printable, which can be found below, and print out the desired number of lids. This printable will provide you with ready-made lids to add to your firefly jar.
- Take the printed Mason Jar lid printable and cut out the lids, as well as scripture provided on the printable.
Steps with Children:
- Roll up their sleeves and prepare for some hands-on fun!
- Take the child’s finger and cover it completely with paint, ensuring full coverage.
- Carefully stamp the painted finger onto the “jar” paper, creating adorable firefly shapes underneath each set of antennas.
- Allow the painted fireflies to dry completely.
- Once the fireflies are dry, carefully slide the paper into the party bag, ensuring that the fireflies are positioned nicely within.
- Snap the glowsticks to activate them and place them into the bag. The glowing effect will add a magical touch to your firefly jar.
- Fold the jar lid over the top of the party bag, creating a roof-like structure. This will prevent the fireflies from “escaping” and add a charming finishing touch to your craft.
- To secure the lid in place, use a stapler to close the top of the bag, ensuring that everything stays intact.

Crafter’s Tips:
- Paint sticks are one of my best craft secrets with young children. They are a lot less messy and easier for toddlers to handle. However, keep an eye on those kiddos while using them, as my own daughter mistook them for ChapStick. Luckily, they are non-toxic! Another advantage of paint sticks is that they can be easily cleaned up with a swipe of a baby wipe and dry in a flash! This really helps if you’re working with a large group and there’s limited time for handwashing between crafts.
- Make sure you cut a few extra jars to allow for mistakes and redos.
- I found that using the pointer finger was the easiest for maneuvering, but I also gave the older children the option of using their pointer finger or thumb.
- If the fingerprint doesn’t show up completely on the paper, no worries! Simply repaint the finger and repeat over the same spot.

Memory Enhancer:
As a class, we took turns going into the dark bathroom to see our fireflies glow, showing us that light is more powerful than darkness. You can also use this time to have the students recite the scripture, “Let your light shine” or sing “This Little Light of Mine”.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
FREE Cross Dot Marker Coloring Page
Enjoy this Freebie, centered on the symbol of Jesus’s sacrificial love for all.

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