ACTS Prayer Journal for Kids: FREE Printable
ACTS Prayer Journal for Kids: FREE Printable
The ACTS prayer model is an excellent approach to teaching children a balanced way of prayer, enabling them to pray not just for themselves but also to grow as believers and intercede for the world around them. ACTS stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Below you will find a guide to help you through the process.
Adoration: God is AWESOME because:
Encourage children to praise and worship all the things they love and adore about our God! Let them express their adoration for who He is through songs of praise, a reflection of “God moments” in their lives, or by quoting Bible verses. This helps children shift their focus from themselves and their needs to God and His glory. Here are a few examples they could use in their prayers:
- King of Kings
- Lord of Lords
- Alpha and the Omega
- The Beginning and the End
- Protector
- Healer
- Author of Our Salvation
- Redeemer
- Creator
- The Good Shepard
- Sustainer

*Have children add to the list.
Confession: I’m sorry for:
Remind children that everyone makes mistakes, and when they sin, it’s important to say sorry and ask God for forgiveness. Emphasize that God loves them no matter what sins they make, but He desires for them to be sorry and seek forgiveness. They can use these examples or relate and add more sins of their own:
- Fighting with a sibling
- Not listening
- Cheating
- Losing my temper
- Teasing
- Being jealous
- Complaining
- Being selfish
- Lying

*Encourage children to add their own examples.
Thanksgiving: Thank you for:
Help children cultivate an attitude of gratitude by thanking God for the many blessings in their lives. Encourage them to thank Him for their family, friends, home, toys, clean water, and above all else, Jesus! If they are having a rough day and find it hard to feel grateful, they can start by thanking God for the air in their lungs. Here are a few more examples to use:
- Teachers
- Pastors
- The Holy Spirit
- The Bible
- Toys
- Clothing
- Food
- Grace
- Love
- Music
- Sports
- Pets
- Health
- Answered prayers

Supplication: I pray for:
In the final step of this prayer model, children can ask and seek God for their wants and needs, as well as for the needs of others. Encourage them to pray for various things, such as:
- Healing over a loved one
- Self Control
- Boldness to share the gospel
- Help for the homeless
- Wisdom and discernment for the president
- Help with resolving a friendship
- Guidance to make good choices
- Making good friends
- A deeper relationship with God
- Desire to read the Bible

*Invite children to add their own personal requests.
Using the ACTS prayer model, children can cultivate a well-rounded and deeper prayer life, nurturing their faith and relationship with God. Make copies of this prayer journal printable and have children glue it into a prayer journal, or simply write the ACTS acronym vertically down their page and fill in the rest. They can also pray internally as they go about their daily activities such as while walking their dog, on the bus ride to school, or playing the soccer field, maintaining an ongoing conversation with God. And remember, there is no wrong way to pray! This model is merely a guide to help them achieve a more balanced and wider understanding of the goodness of God.
Teacher Tips:
- “God Moments” are special times when children have seen God work in their lives.
- Separate a whiteboard or large piece of chart paper into four sections by drawing a vertical and horizontal line like a big plus sign. Label each section with one letter of ACTS.
- Write down real-world examples to brainstorm with children before having them write in their very own prayer journals.
- Make copies of the bookmarks to hand out to students as a reminder and guide to use during prayer, whether through writing or internal prayer.
- To create individual prayer journals for each child, you can print several copies of the printable. They can then glue the pages into a journal or fold and staple a few copies together to create a book journal. To make the most of your resources, print multiple copies (front and back) of the printable that includes the (2) 5 X 7 prayer journals. This way, each child will have their own personalized journal to use during prayer time and reflection.
- Encourage children to look back on their previous prayers and highlight those that have been answered. It’s a wonderful way to show them how God has been active in their lives and how prayer can make a difference.
- Tell the children that God cares about their hearts and not their spelling.
🖍️Super Cool Bible Reading Tip: CRAYONS work as amazing highlighters in your Bible! They are colorful and don’t bleed through the thin pages, making it a fun and practical way to mark important verses or passages.
You’re incredible! You are helping children deepen their spiritual relationship and understanding of God that can stay with them throughout their lives! What an incredible gift that can ripple through generations!

FREE Resource Alert: ACTS Prayer Printable for Kids!
💒If you’re interested in the ACTS Prayer Journal Bundle you can purchase at our Etsy Shop at Mason Jar of Memories.💒
The ACTS Prayer Journal Bundle includes:
✅Resource Guide to the ACTS Prayer Method (Breakdown of ACTS Method, Kids friendly real-world examples, and teaching tips)
✅(1) 8 X 11 My Very Own Prayer Journal Printable PDF
✅(1) 8 X 11 Printable containing (2) 5 X 7 My Very Own Prayer Journals (to save paper)
✅(1) Printable with 4 ACTS Method Bookmarks
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